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Clear Blue Pregnancy Tests: Is any woman alive really this stupid?

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The above commercial isn’t the one that I’ll be discussing, but it is pretty humorous.

The one I saw claimed that one out of four women can’t read a normal pregnancy test. So this great product actually has a digital reading that says “Pregnant” if you are pregnant.

Are there really women out there too stupid to figure out a blue plus sign that can actually read?

How long before they need to come out with a product that has a little voice that says, “Congratulations, you’re knocked up!” for them?


It may not be politically correct, but I’ll say it. Those women are too stupid to reproduce. They don’t need a new pregnancy test that spells things out for them. They need a device that sterilizes them.

The entire nation is going up in flames and these people spent millions of man hours on a pregnancy test that could write it’s answer out in simple English. No wonder our economy is in such trouble.

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