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Sympathy for the Devil

OJ Simpson killed his wife, he has a temper, he’s a moron. But there is so much slime involved in what happened in Vegas I almost feel sorry for him. As for TMZ, they should win some kind of award because really journalism would be hard pressed to go any lower. Maybe they could have …

The Verse Nonsense of “Give Peace a Chance”

A friend of mine and I were discussing John Lennon’s ability as a sloganeer. He posited that Lennon’s “Give Peace a Chance” for all its fame, amounted to little more than a slogan. Where was the rest of the song?

Battle of the Aging Rock Stars

I’ve often been known to mutter – Life was so fun until David Lee Roth started losing his hair or as Noel Gallagher once said “If John Lennon were alive today he’d be writing shite like Biker like an Icon too.” With any band with two live members announcing yet another reunion tour, let’s take …