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Shaking Hands with Heroes

I’ve stood in line to shake the hands of only two people in my life, Ray Davies and Muhammad Ali. Both were at book signings, and I highly recommend both. I had already purchased and read both books and had to shell out more money, but it was a price well paid for the signatures …

The ever classy New York Post

They ran the punriffic headline “Ike ‘Beats’ Tina to Death” the other day. Letting us all know that Ike Turner both died first and used to beat Tina. I’m sort of amused, but karmically I think I’ve doomed myself to hell. It sort of makes you wonder what a headline writer would need to come up …

Fad Alert: Paris buys a hybrid

“I changed all the light bulbs to energy-safe light bulbs and I’m buying a hybrid car right now,” said 26-year old Paris Hilton. “Little things that people can do every day to make a huge difference,” she said. A lot of people don’t like to hear celebrities voice their opinions on controversial subjects. Having seen …