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Hillary: Salt of the middle class

Hillary Clinton: “It’s time that the American worker had a partner in the White House,” Clinton says. “The wealthy and the well-connected have had a president. It’s time the middle class had a president to stand up for you.” Did I miss the period of time where Hillary Clinton was middle class? Was it when …

Nick Leeson: Rogue Poker Pro!

The great thing about poker is that you can be about as sleazy as Charles Manson and somehow the sport will still embrace you. Nick “Rogue Trader” Leeson is now a celebrity poker pro! This is a guy who lost over a billion dollars in an error account (he wasn’t even supposed to be trading!), …

It’s 3 AM: Who’s calling the White House?

Well, if Hillary somehow gets elected, she can go back to sleep, because obviously it’s one of Bill’s skanky overweight girlfriends. Am I the only one waiting for Barack Obama to pull out the “You couldn’t even satisfy your husband, how could you possibly please the American people?” card? Then again it’s Bill and she’s …

Hell’s Angels: Not so good at yachting

Apparently, post Altamont the Hell’s Angels hatched a plot to kill Mick Jagger, who apparently had the gall to be upset after they killed a guy.  Sadly, they decided to go by boat rather than take their bikes. “Gang members hatched a plan to kill Jagger at his holiday home in Long Island, New York, …

Best Televised Baseball Game Ever

I have absolutely no idea who won, but when I was in college Harry Carey had a heart attack and one of the celebrity replacements was Bill Murray, who spent the entire game waving a fishing net around trolling for foul balls and yelling slurs at various players from the other team. “The almighty Chico …