Site icon Brad Laidman: Elvis Needs Boats

Old but appreciated

My newly 28 ex-little league charge Nick Figone wrote me back. I was almost expecting him to write – don’t you have a life? I haven’t seen you in 17 years, but he wrote me the nicest note which I’ll except. It’s one of the nicest things anyone has ever sent me.

Brad! I’ve never been blogged about– this is the best birthday gift I received! Should I respond like Nick Elliot’s mom?? I’m speechless!

I vividly remember rolling what seemed like the US Mint worth of coins. Quite possibly the first and best job I’ve ever had!

Most importantly I’m going to the Giants game tomorrow night! Standing room only ticket, but I’m pumped! I’m a Giants fanatic. I have you to thank for making me fall in love with the game and I still have the copy of the book you photocopied at Kinko’s and inscribed to me. Like it or not you greatly influenced my life.

More to come…

Nick “You’re still young in my eyes” Figone

I especially love that he still has the copy of the book, which is way way out of print. It was by Howard Liss and was called The Zaniest Baseball Stars. Probably the one book I’ve gotten more enjoyment from in my life than any other. It profiles all the nutballs in baseball history and all the pranks they pulled – Rabbit Maranville, Casey Stengal, Satchel Paige, Rube Waddell, Dizzy Dean and the Gas House Gang. There is probably a ton of alcohol between it’s lines but it’s full of hilarious stories that leave you with an infinite nostalgia for the game’s golden era – achieves in 150 pages what Ken Burns could only dream of after ten innings of quality work.

To whomever has the power – Please get this book back into print!

Thanks Nick.