Site icon Brad Laidman: Elvis Needs Boats

Another agonizing iPhone announcement


Every time they update the damn iPhone I get to relive losing my last decent job. The morning of the first iPhone announcement I bet that Apple stock would move due to an expected big reveal by Steve Jobs. Because I have the nerve of a 2 year old girl, I asked one of the research people to let me know as soon as possible about any Apple news. I wound up getting a piece of erroneous news that hit the tape saying that there would be no announcement. I tried to unwind my position and about a minute later the real announcement came out – Apple surged up 8 dollars and my $40k would be profit turned into a $40k loss followed by the news that I was no longer employed.

I was already on thin ice – due to I suppose my inability to exist within a corporate structure and my inability to make it through each day without dread, paranoia, exhaustion, and a feeling that I needed to get out of the building at the first available opportunity, but the absurdity of its conclusion and the unbelievable bad luck still gnaws at me palpably. Like other issues that I can’t change from the past, I can’t let it go. My only hope is that it represents some sign from above that I was meant to do something better with my time. Sadly, it’s getting late. So if karma or God or whatever was sending me a message – I hope daily for something more concrete because so far I’m not getting it.

God damn iPhone. Maybe some day I’ll be able to afford one.