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Atheists Are Arrogant – Agnostics Are Pussies


Mathematically, it’s a pretty bad idea not to believe in God. Even if the probability that there is a God is as little as 1%, who wants to play Russian Roulette with eternal happiness vs. eternal torment. Atheists have to be pretty damn arrogant to blow off a free lottery ticket like that just to be able to feel superior about being men of reason. When it comes down to looking inside of souls, there are hundreds of millions more true atheists than the ones who admit to it in public.

Of course, these idiots who claim to be agnostics are really pussies. They are atheists, who refuse to give up the free lottery ticket. I doubt there is a God, but if there is “Hell yes I want in!” Take a stand you pussies! I guess I’m an agnostic.

The new fad is to say that you aren’t religious, but that you are spiritual. I have no idea what that even means. Maybe that’s my problem.