Brad, somehow I landed on your website when I was trying to find out why Jim Rome was so afraid of Kevin Mitchell. Once upon a time this accessories page could have included a barely functional Fender Bassman tube amp. You loaned it to me once when we jammed at the house, then you left Evanstone (sic) and I never got it back to you. Don’t come looking for it now though. It ended up in Steve Albini’s and probably has a good home at his studio to this day. Email some time, I’ll tell the rest of the story.
Brad, somehow I landed on your website when I was trying to find out why Jim Rome was so afraid of Kevin Mitchell. Once upon a time this accessories page could have included a barely functional Fender Bassman tube amp. You loaned it to me once when we jammed at the house, then you left Evanstone (sic) and I never got it back to you. Don’t come looking for it now though. It ended up in Steve Albini’s and probably has a good home at his studio to this day. Email some time, I’ll tell the rest of the story.
Rock on,