The Girl Can’t Help It
The typical film about the early years of Rock and Roll was called something like Rock Rock Rock or Don’t Knock the Rock, was in
The typical film about the early years of Rock and Roll was called something like Rock Rock Rock or Don’t Knock the Rock, was in
“Hello Cleveland!!” They’re loud, they’re misogynist, they’re wasted, they’re extremely stupid, and they have armadillos in their trousers. This is Spinal Tap was essentially
Death does amazing things for a performer’s reputation. Had Gary Busey gone by the wayside after his swaggering confident performance as bespectacled 50’s hiccupping proto-nerd
Welcome to Elvis Noir, also known as the Encyclopedia of Cool, Volume Three. Everyone says that King Creole was Elvis Presley’s best film, but what
“In Jailhouse Rock, he was everything Rockabilly’s about. I mean he was mean, surly, nasty, rude. In that movie he didn’t give a fuck about
“I’m not angry sister. I’m fucking desperate.” It’s pretty hard not to be fascinated by the Beatle’s Hamburg, Germany period. Lore would have it that
A Hard Day’s Night begins with the startling crisp ring of a sustained Gsus4th chord struck from George Harrison’s brand new Rickenbacker 360 12 string
“Kids, you should never kill a man unless it’s absolutely necessary” Everyone should get to be the hero of their very own Frank Capra movie.
“He’s right I’m stupid and I like it.” I always sort of wondered exactly what the appeal of the dumb hot blonde was in the history
Back in the day, just before Seinfeld mania hit the country I was watching Jack Lemmon in Mister Roberts. He plays a lazy, fast talking,
“Dad used to say the only causes worth fighting for were the lost causes.” Remember back in the old days when there were only about
Jean Arthur was Frank Capra’s secret weapon. Gary Cooper and Jimmy Stewart had all the bravado moves, but Arthur was the key to convincing the
“It’s not a rip off it’s an homage.” What a weird artifact of the late ‘80s this is. Dirty Harry as graying pissed off pulp super
Boy did Ronald Reagan love this movie! He should have because after all he was the nation’s cheerleader for the right wing movement that made
“Well that’s very stylish.” Harry Callahan’s thoughts on women in the police force. How does this guy still have a job? The only people he treats