Liberal Plot Foiled!
A conspiracy of epic proportions was exposed today when wack job Stephen Baldwin wandered into his brother Alec’s house uninvited and promptly wrote an emergency
A conspiracy of epic proportions was exposed today when wack job Stephen Baldwin wandered into his brother Alec’s house uninvited and promptly wrote an emergency
When it comes to women running for our highest office, or the 2nd highest office as the running mate of a guy ready to drop
1. Isn’t this photo I’ve chosen unfair to all women? I found it on Wonkette. No way any web site would do this to a
Just spent the week loitering in Cleveland and noticed this bit of inanity. A representative died and they will have to pay size money to
The Republican candidate for President is named John McCain, he’s not John McClane the guy from Die Hard.
Jesse Helms and Bozo – Gonzo! Wow, this is just like when Thomas Jefferson and John Adams both held out and died on the 4th
I’m of the belief that it costs exactly the same to make a nice tailored suit as it does to make a shabby cheap looking
A woman needs a man Like a fish needs a bicycle When you’re tryin to throw your arms around the world Trying to Throw Your
You find someone to love and you hang on for dear life. The problems start when you lose your grip.
Albert Hofmann, the Swiss chemist who discovered the hallucinogenic drug LSD, just died of a heart attack at his home in Basel at the age of
A teen accused of plotting to blow up his high school told police that he wanted to die, go to heaven and kill Jesus, federal
It’s a little ridiculous how crazy Republicans are getting about the fact that Barack Obama seems to know former Weather Underground member Bill Ayers as
I think I love Barack Obama just because he doesn’t wear one of those insane yeah I’m a patriot American flag pins, as Bill Mahar
My mom informed me today that Barack Obama’s speech was being widely praised, but that Rush Limbaugh was tearing him apart. Well, of course he
I think it’s pretty clear that if Elliot Spitzer had just had an affair that he wouldn’t have been forced to resign. Well, the guy