God is the Beauty You Find in the World
In eleventh grade, I instantly and forever fell in love with my AP English teacher Dorothy Krasovec, but as Ian Hunter wryly penned, “all of
In eleventh grade, I instantly and forever fell in love with my AP English teacher Dorothy Krasovec, but as Ian Hunter wryly penned, “all of
I’m doing my best to be social now, but I went through a period where I was just making people irate because I knew more
Now that is a movie, and every movie like it says this at the beginning in some form, “based on actual events.” Similarly, “The Autobiography
I’m not really worried for Sarah Silverman. Sarah Silverman has thrown herself on the front lines. Sarah Silverman has thought things out and seems to
All people who write or talk about art seem to be angry at the real artists that they aren’t artists themselves. The single character from
* Bill Hicks said that not me and he meant that he liked the ones who died with passion more than the ones that lived
I was never a fan of science and in college I took the two acknowledged Mickey Mouse classes. The first was called “Highlights to Astronomy”
The Jehovah Test – God comes to you and forces you to answer a question that he of course knows the answer to. If you are wrong he
Remus Pop: That dog got money. That money is going to be taken away from that dog
To welcome Whoopi, the View sent some cameramen to a mall to beg people to talk about how much they love Whoopi, as if the
This quote really amuses me. It’s from GQ magazine article on Doug Stanhope. “There’s a kind of Olympic Torch of extreme American comedy, which passed
There are usually one or two actors in Hollywood that never have to risk doing a completely lame commercially corrupt movie. Tom Hanks has one