Trading Places
“Who been putting out their Kools on my floor!” I was a floor trader for ten years and the only positive role model I ever
“Who been putting out their Kools on my floor!” I was a floor trader for ten years and the only positive role model I ever
“Mother, this is your other son Aron. Aron is everything that’s good, Mother. Aron, say hello to your Mother.” There is something wonderfully basic about
“You’re tearing me apart!” There ought to be some sort of law that states something to the effect of the following. If you have a
“So you saying Diz and Duke on one side and junkies on the other. So I kick [fellow musician laughs] I can kick! [more laughter].”
Field of Dreams is based on a novel by W.P. Kinsella that I thought to be practically unfilmable. It’s about Ray Kinsella (Kevin Costner), a
I coached little league baseball for four years and the truth is kids swear. You’re not supposed to encourage it, but it’s pretty damn amusing
Dear Adam, I understand your predicament. You finally made a movie that Roger Ebert liked (Punch Drunk Love) and nobody went to see it.
Fun With Barry Manilow I won an argument the other day. This dude I worked with opined that Barry Manilow was really talented after his
It’s true what they say about the devil weed Ordell Robbie: That shit’ll rob you of your ambitions Melanie: Not if your ambition is to
Superman “is probably the most heterosexual character in any movie I’ve ever made,” said Bryan Singer, director of “Superman Returns,” a new movie about the
I read a great article in the Sun Times today bemoaning the death of Pee Wee’s Playhouse, Paul Reubens, undeniably genius children’s show, which was
The Ox The Who As teens tend to do, I got red faced on any number of occasions when my unthinking brethren insisted that
Man he looks like he’s a 22 year old Rookie. Well, he was a Rookie, but do to racial insanity he was around (no one
I’ve taken great joy in lambasting this show. James Lipton is an almost living example of stuffy, pretentious, high brow nonsense. It’s like he daily
Remember, you cannot be both young and wise. Young people who pretend to be wise to the ways of the world are mostly cynics. Cynicism