Screw Neal Peart – Freaks and Geeks
Actually after years of nonsense of this sort by me I learned that Neal Peart loved Keith Moon’s drumming. I finally got something productive
Actually after years of nonsense of this sort by me I learned that Neal Peart loved Keith Moon’s drumming. I finally got something productive
They are all based on more misunderstandings than a season of Three’s Company. Tonight on 90210 – Teddy is in love with Silver – Silver
To the great chagrin of floundering Tonight Show host Conan O’Brian, NBC was sold to Comcast Corp. and not Jay Z as he had hoped.
Anyone who reads me (does anyone read me?) knows that my biggest peeve is essentially “Don’t be offended unless someone is trying to offend you.”
Essentially, advertising is nothing more than trying to convince the public that one thing is better than another thing that is essentially the exact same
My one time college roommate and good friend Dave used to drive me crazy when we’d watch television together. For the most part, he preferred
Who wants to marry a murderer? “The company did have in place what it thought was a thorough vetting process that involved complete background checks
Wiseguy’s Ken Wahl in the Poor House Do they have to sound so happy and amused by it? This really hits home for me. Wiseguy
I always want to feel sorry and empathize with Jennifer Aniston’s loneliness and pain, and then yet another hot photo spread of her comes out.
Consider this my pitch – since I’m guessing my friend Grant won’t think it sellable: If there’s one thing I’ve learned in life, it is
I’ve often thought that at some time or another every significant African American would be portrayed in the movies by Denzel Washington, but if your budget is
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Otis_Campbell Otis Campbell was the fictional “town drunk” in Mayberry on the American TV sitcom The Andy Griffith Show. Otis was played by Hal Smith
Not to repeat myself, but there is a special place in hell reserved for non-essential plastic surgeons and the sellers of products that spur hair
Mary Carey has returned to porn and released Celebrity Pornhab with Dr. Screw I saw it and give it 2 flaccid penises. The writing was horrible.
Second F’d up nose to go in a week. Barbra Streisand should spend the next week in Intensive Care just to be safe. Barbra Streisand