David Caruso the worst actor alive
Jim Carrey sort of started out as what Carrot Top became, albeit one with amazing physical dexterity, and became one of the edgiest comedians ever.
Jim Carrey sort of started out as what Carrot Top became, albeit one with amazing physical dexterity, and became one of the edgiest comedians ever.
I almost don’t want to write about this because I’m sure everyone else is, but I suppose it deserves some thoughts.
Gee, I wonder what my take on this will be. David Letterman: I’m too old for this shit, write me an apology Please return to
After I read Kathy Griffin’s comments on how Suzanne Somers is well on her way to becoming the second richest television celebrity alive – Oprah will
I hate to even mention the painful term catheter, but can someone tell me why the company marketing disposable catheters to senior citizens decided to
I’m convinced that Farrah Fawcett could cure her Cancer by sleeping with me, and I’m willing to help. Please help make this happen. I’m also willing
Apparently, this happened years ago. Sadly, I’m too busy feeling sorry for myself to pay attention to Canadian Idol. Nevertheless, this guy is my new
I was just watching a scene from the movie Hustle and Flow on MTV at 2:30 AM and suddenly a rapper holds up a bag
Just went to Borders looking for a book on David Bowie, which they didn’t have. They did however have the amazing new release Dancing to
2:00 The $100,000 Pyramid 2:30 The $25,000 Pyramid Morons! Who the fuck is gonna want to see the $25,000 version after they’ve just seen one
Mitch Hedberg: Mr. Pibb is a poor imitation of Dr. Pepper. Dude didn’t even get his degree. It’s amazing how the man has managed to
The above commercial isn’t the one that I’ll be discussing, but it is pretty humorous. The one I saw claimed that one out of four
This exchange suddenly made like 3 years of nonsense on 24 worthwhile to me. Larry Miller FBI: What’s the matter is there something wrong? Chloe
I’ve been thinking about Pete Townshend letting Pepsi use My Generation for one of it’s commercials lately. I’ve become accustomed to watching my heroes sell