Site icon Brad Laidman: Elvis Needs Boats

Hulk Smash Iron Man


I’ve always been amazed at how badly Marvel has been run given their warehouse of characters. They finally have worked things out to an extent.

Iron Man and The Incredible Hulk – the same movie. Create some powerful being, set it against an evil version of itself, toss a hot chick in the mix. For a second I was like wasn’t William Hurt also in Iron Man? Oh I remember, that was Jeff Bridges, or is it the other way around.

Then in comic book fashion – it’s time to set them off against each other. Eventually, things will get so out of hand the movie will be called. The Fatanstic Four, Spider-man, and the Avengers VS. the X- men, DareDevil and The Incredible Hulk.

They’ve been putting these out for years. Keep Stan Lee working, he’s had a silly cameo in every one so far – good on Stan, now how about paying him for once.