Site icon Brad Laidman: Elvis Needs Boats

Lucy’s Real Football

This cartoon originally used over and over again by Charles M Schultz keeps being reused and it should be, but properly.

Charlie Brown wanted to kick that football so badly that even though all evidence told him that Lucy would pull it away every single time he still would let her do it. It wasn’t really a metaphor about sports. For Charlie Brown the football was fitting in. Charlie Brown really wanted to fit in.

Right now people will define Lucy and Charlie Brown and the football in various ways to fit their agenda, but right now there is one very correct way to label those things.

Lucy is a very rich person. Charlie Brown is a relatively poor person who would really like to be rich and the football is wealth. People keep supporting a system where they have very little chance of changing wealth inequality, because they don’t want sharing they all want to be part of the most unequal class, which is how that class keeps putting that football out there to not be kicked over and over again.

My favorite proper use of this had been in 1990 after Donald Trump and the USFL won their monopoly lawsuit against the NFL.

The NFL were really rich guys and they were part of a flawed system. They were a monopoly. Donald Trump never for a second wanted to make that unfair situation end, he just wanted to use the existing monopoly laws to let him become part of the monopoly cheaply.

The NFL was a monopoly and Trump won his lawsuit, but his intentions were so clear that when the USFL won they were awarded a dollar that was trebled, which the NFL gladly and joyfully paid. The cartoon listed Lucy as the NFL and Charlie Brown as the USFL.

Sadly, right now it is clear that Trump is the one holding the football. He says it on television and tweets it every day and yet somehow the cartoon keeps getting mislabeled.

That’s how psychotically greedy so many people are or at least enough to mess it up for everyone else. Too many people want to kick that football instead of tossing it back and forth and sharing it and enjoying the football.

It even applies to Elvis Presley. Elvis and his mother were very poor as poor as you could be at the time. Their joint dream was that he would become a famous singer and lift them out of poverty. That dream became true. He didn’t just become a famous singer. He became the most famous singer of all time.

Sadly, this did not fulfill either of their dreams. Elvis wanted to do that mostly to deliver his mother out of poverty. When he achieved that, the insanity of it actually meant that Gladys Presley worried about her son all of the time. She knew that fame was taking Elvis away from her and she worried that she was losing the only thing that really did matter to her, her son. The son felt the same way about the mother.

That was taken the day before he was inducted into the army.

That picture on my site was me romantically showing my mother that I love her, but if you look at that picture Gladys is not happy and in no way does she look happy. Gladys had a new, different dream. She dreamed that she was poor again. She dreamed that they had never had the original dream and just still had each other. She drank herself to death at 42 very shortly after that photo was taken. Still everyone wants to be Elvis, which happens maybe once in a lifetime. By the time Elvis too died at 42, he didn’t even want to be Elvis. He likely stopped enjoying being Elvis the day his mother died.