You know what’s more productive than what is going on right now. Let’s talk about the movie Back to School for a while and why people who like it may not like it for the right reasons.
It is kind of an anti-intellectual time right now. That seems like an anti-intellectual movie. It isn’t.
It is almost everyone’s fault. Yeah, if we had a contest whose fault it is the most maybe someone would clearly win.
The college Rodney Dangerfield goes to in Back to School has nothing to really offer him. He only goes there to help his son.
That’s a better act than most of what is going on right now.
I can see people cheering as Rodney takes that particular college apart. It’s good to see people who think they are better than you taken down for the right reasons, but he’s not denying climate change in that movie. He’s not claiming to know anything about poetry or literature.
When he takes the economics teacher on in that movie, he again doesn’t need to be there. He is already rich. He has no economic issues to debate. He is just there to be with his son, who he cares about.
Is there academia and the real world? Sure, but Rodney is not yelling “trade wars are easy to win.” He’s not taking a trade deficit numbers and saying people from other countries are stealing from us.
He says people are greedy and corrupt, and I have to deal with that.
The only thing Trump said when he ran that was true, and sadly maybe it was enough, was these people can all be bought off, I know because I have done it.
No one ever refuted that.
No one said. Sure all of Washington is a little corrupt, but that the whole thing can’t be bought.
No one said governing the United States is a tough complex problem and sometimes it is not effective, but it’s the only responsible way to do a really hard job.
He had an angry audience that was willing to let him tear down the whole country, and they didn’t care what reason he chose to do so.
His audience was willing to say burn it all down, and we will give you and your ego all the credit.
All of that is ugly, especially his ego and his willingness to do just that all for his ego.
A decent economics professor would have said to Rodney, these kids are at step one and I need to teach this to get to step two. I can’t just present it all at once or start at step 10. I had s teacher in college that told people who were in his class for no real reason exactly that, and I learned from it.
He could have offered him independent study. He could have just said, “I will give you an A as long as you shut up for the rest of the time we are together.” Any of those are better than what that “teacher” wound up doing.
With Sam Kinison, Dangerfield does exactly that.
He tells him, “I’m not a fighter, I’m a lover.”
Your evaluation of Kinison’s history professor is whatever you want it to be.
His class is definitely mislabeled. It shouldn’t be called “Contemporary American History.” Maybe it should be called “American History as a Function of Agressive Foreign Policy Concerns.” It should probably just be a class where Kinison tells them how he managed to get a job teaching history despite spending most of his youth in Viet Nam.
Whatever it is called, there is no use debating with him. He’s not going to put the question “What day did the Mail Lai Massacre happen?” on his test, and he’s going to grade that test. Rodney does the right thing to give him the answer he wants and get his grade.
When Rodney pays Kurt Vonnegut to write him a paper on Kurt Vonnegut and his paper gets a failing grade, sure it indicts whoever grades it, but there is no reason to celebrate. Rodney wanted to get an A. He should have just paid whoever graded it.
Today was a bad day for Donald Trump and I was glad to see it. Both Michael Cohen his personal fixer and Paul Manafort went down, and maybe they can find a law to bring Trump down with, but nobody learned anything today. Donald Trump didn’t learn and neither did his supporters.
A lot of people, who despise him, haven’t learned.
They celebrated like it was over and seemed to relish how fun it was going to see him burn. I’m not saying that I don’t want him to die a painful slow death. I just think there are better things to do than watch it and relish it.
Today he is still president. It’s always been evident he doesn’t care about the truth. No one cares. Everyone just wants to be right and win. No one wins here. No one wins trade wars. That should be the point.
Either we split into some new entities or we decide how to run this country. No one is offering any suggestions.
Do you really want show trials and executions?
Yeah, they’ll be fun, but you will have to deal with their ramifications forever. World War II did come from the aftermath of World War I when Germany was helpless and we made it even worse. The last 150 years or so have probably come from mistakes made during Reconstruction.
What happens after the trials and the executions?
No one talks about that.
What is the cleanest most effective way that we can right this ship? Too few are talking about that.
Every extra day it takes is going to make it harder, because these people have told you that they are willing to go down with the ship.
Maybe you could put a gun to Donald Trump’s head and make him admit that he lost the popular vote. Maybe you can find a video where he says he is going to con the entire southern United States and make himself king.
That still doesn’t repair things. It doesn’t guard against the next egomaniacal con man. It doesn’t stop them from saying everyone else is equally as bad. It doesn’t undo all the damage. It doesn’t stop people who should be helped from being hurt. It just ensures more people are hurt.
This type of article from the New York Times is also pretty bad and not worth reading.
Melania Trump Could Be Our Greatest First Lady
It’s not fake news. It’s not news at all. It’s an opinion piece without a decent opinion.
It’s just yet another guy falling in love with his words, trying to be the cleverest one on record in ten years after this is done.
It’s not a time to look clever, it is a time to be smart.
So I don’t know what the point of his Melania is a super genius taking down her husband theory is.
I feel just like Kinison. “Say it, say it.”
Put the thesaurus down and say something constructive.
Does Melania have a long term plan where she unmasks him at the end like a Scooby Doo episode?
Are we going to have a military parade for her?
I’m certainly not going to have a parade for her wearing whatever the hell “pussy bows” are.
There wasn’t a part of the Nuremberg Trials where they put forward what percentage of your time on the job you held somebody’s hand
Why doesn’t she just come out and say, my husband is a lying scumbag and here are 3000 embarrassing examples of why I don’t sleep in the same room with him.
Because maybe that’s what the Greatest First Lady does.
The only thing I know is that if Donald Trump does go to jail, I’m not giving Melania an award for trolling him, and I’m not giving that writer and award for figuring it out.
I’m not giving Michael Cohen a tribute fo finally telling the truth. That is what you are supposed to do.
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