Site icon Brad Laidman: Elvis Needs Boats

O for 1 at Trolling: Regret It

So I saw how successful “Hero of the Stupid” Stuttering John Melendez was at imitating his original benefactor Howard Stern. All of Stern’s trolling was to show how incompetent screening people were. Stern was cut throat made some good points and regretted a lot.

Melendez has never been smart or competent and his entire success story was due to the fact that right or wrong morally, Stern thought it would be funny to hire a stutterer to be on the radio and explore that. Jay Leno was so stupid that he paid up to make that stutterer the announcer of the Tonight Show. Leno’s stupidity became apparent quickly and it ended in similar fashion.

Compared to Donald Trump, who was born with everything and is as I’ve posted thousands of times the least ethical and competent person alive, Melendez has some ability to be defended.

He was born with basically less than nothing, and accomplished a lot 99% due to Stern, but accomplishments nonetheless.

He parlayed Stern’s joke into a recording contract, movie roles, if I remember correctly he was co-host of a short lived panel show on CBS called “Last Call” (he wasn’t horrible, but mostly aped Stern), and yes no matter how it happened or why, he became the announcer for the vaunted “Tonight Show” as a stutterer no matter how it happened.

Melendez never claimed to have principles or smarts and the only real sin of his I can think of given his origin was not being loyal enough to Stern to talk to him about the Leno offer before he accepted it, which meant Stern right or wrong exiled him. I don’t think Stern ever paid Melendez much, and in fact probably way too little for all the abuse he took, but he did owe him everything and should have at least been loyal enough to discuss his deserved departure earlier.

I’ve also been doing my best to stop my mom from enjoying her fun watching televised music contests like “American Idol,” “The Voice,” “The Four,” and “America’s Got Talent.”

My mom has never enjoyed music or gotten it, but I have and it means everything to me. I’m not above enjoying “American Idol.” Never have been, but I knew where all the music came from and had context. I jokingly, but truthfully told my mom she didn’t like music, she liked game shows. This was true. Even she would admit it, but I always tried to change that. I’ve shown her tons of documentaries about Dylan and Lennon and others and she gets it for a while and then forgets it all, but she has gained some appreciation.

She loved the song “Bohemian Rhapsody” from all her shows, but obviously had never heard the real thing or knew where it came from and I decided I had to have a Freddie Mercury intervention with her, which actually worked. Although, she did say, “If the band was so big why did they break up?” Queen sort of never really did, but my response was “You don’t just replace Freddie Mercury.”

Tonight, I went out to help her catch up on the show “Suits,” which she really likes and re-watching it I have realized how ingeniously plotted and written it has been even more than on first viewing. She needed just five minutes to see the end of “The Four,” which was a straggly, thin, white kid (it doesn’t matter that he was white) weakly imitating Jimi Hendrix’ cover of Dylan’s “All Along the Watchtower,” which is by near unanimous consensus the best Dylan cover of all time. The kid won and Hendrix was sort of mentioned. My mom didn’t think it was great, but didn’t think it was bad, but I was upset because I’ve spent so much effort trying to get her to get Dylan and had just recently showed her how Hendrix took that song from where Dylan had it and tore the shit out of it making it stupid for anyone else to ever try to play it.

Jimi is too hard rock for her, and she didn’t get it and didn’t remember me trying to show it to her. She obviously didn’t even remember that Dylan had written it, which is fine because she is a Saint and her memory isn’t the best and she isn’t really that into music.

She asked me why it upset me so and I tried to explain. My mother is a really good cook and always would work her ass off hosting Thanksgiving and cooking tons of food. Way too much work. Way too much food. My uncle back in the day, would come. He would buy a pumpkin pie from Kentucky Fried Chicken, which was also Kenny King’s back in the day, act like it was delicious, and make it seem like he was Jesus for bringing it over.

My mother isn’t spiteful so she still didn’t get it.

So I tried to tell her how much music meant to me, and how fake her shows were. Even with unknown people, “talent” on “America’s Got Talent” isn’t really that good compared to most people really working their asses off day after day with no results, who are epically talented, but music is that competitive and the real geniuses are so incredibly genius. Most ignored, unknowns of great talent can’t get on “America’s Got Talent” because they don’t have a good enough back story to make the show, likely because they were working too hard on their music.

I’m not above giving someone like Susan Boyle some fame, or a handicapped person who has worked their ass off too some screen time, but the whole phenomenon is a crime to me.

There is so much genius art out there and it’s not on TV because it isn’t staged, sold, and marketed to be entertaining enough for average viewers.

So yeah, I explode when I see my parents talk for 15 minutes about a 13 year old girl doing a Janis Joplin imitation of an Otis Redding song, without having a clue who Janis or Otis were or how much better they were than that girl, who no knock on her is peaking forever and will at least remember it forever fondly as the best moment of her life, will ever be. If she finds her own true voice and is huge, I guess I’m wrong, but it’s still an absurd travesty.

This isn’t the fault of the viewers. It’s the fault of the soulless, uncreative money makers like Dick Clark, who admitted he was a whore and I’ve vented over and over here about him. Type him in my search panel.

It is really an enormous crime that I’ve spent my whole life writing and raging against, and I’m guilty of watching teen soaps instead of more Welles movies I haven’t seen and probably won’t ever see.

But it is exactly the criminal rape of Little Richard that Pat Boone when encouraged to do so committed.

Don’t even try telling me that Pat Boone led to people discovering Little Richard. In rare cases it may have happened, but the intent was to suppress and kill Little Richard and true Rock and Roll, and it got much worse.

I wanted to have musical talent, but didn’t and have accepted that I’m Salieri and tried to write about my passions instead.

I’m Salieri, but I don’t kill I just try to tell the others how good Mozart is

But the real issue was my (self) rage at the fact that I honestly believe I have worked so hard gaining my “alleged” good taste, but since I never majored in Journalism like I should have looking back, I’ve been a total failure at getting what I think is my superior writing out there. I think I know a lot and write well but I’m not a marketer, which given my initial misstep you need to be these days which is why I respect this guy so much.

He too was too angry and paid for it even if his message was love, and because of that anger was mostly ignored. He is only known and respected today, because he tried to conform a bit, was still censored, and then died. Dying always makes you a legend if you have stuff that was recorded and were talented and had something to say. Ask Lenny Bruce, Buddy Holly, Lester Bangs etc, but those guys were with exception of Holly self-sabotaging. Holly was just cold and made an understandable aviation error.

In some cases dying makes you more respected than your superiors, who lived and were better, which is also sad.

I’m not ready to die and of course only John Kennedy Toole made complete anonymity work that way. I’m not going to commit suicide or go out in a wave of gunfire to get read. I’m probably not even a good enough writer to be appreciated even if I die so outrageously that I was read before my web site payments expired.

But I was mad so I did decide to try to troll and see what happened.

So I made this post and put it everywhere on twitter that I could to annoy people or even to get people to just look. It was still kind of too mealy mouthed to work, and I was too much of a pussy to go full troll, and labeled it satire in too many places for it to be effective.

After about four hours of it not working, I came to my senses, and decided it turned my stomach and decided to pull the plug but this was the original post:

I think MS13 Are True American Patriots

I think you will find my reasoning to be impeccable and impenetrable. I dare you to find a flaw in my reasoning.

I know that at first glance you will find my view abhorrent, but please give it a fair airing.

Just stick with me briefly because my argument is short and cogent.

Actually, I know almost nothing about MS13. I abhor anybody who does anything to anyone that isn’t based 100% on love.

In reality I have a really good pop culture blog that I find impossible to drive traffic to.

Brad Laidman: Elvis Needs Boats

This is just a jaded, cheap, and pandering attempt to offend Fox, specifically “Fox and Friends” and best case scenario inspire a tweet storm calling me a horrible person from Donald Trump, ideally with a nickname he creates just for me.

Under usual circumstances, I would find this behavior reprehensible, but that’s exactly how shallow and soulless our current dialog and internet site SEO action currently is.

I often rage against it check out my site.

I just made a pact with the Devil at the Crossroads but Robert Johnson made really good music.

Now had it worked and maybe it would have given more time, who knows how I would feel, but I pulled the plug on it, because the whole point of everything I’ve ever written was that your principles were more important than success and that there were more important things than fame and money.

I didn’t really want either, I just wanted to be read a bit, but I still fucked up and regret it and am sorry.

As I just finished this, I just looked at twitter and finally got one like.