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Killed Twice by Jackie Wilson

I was supposed to have a date for the first time since “Black Swan” came out, but then I sent her the following video and she canceled. Am I the only one crazy

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I’m glad Dick Clark is dead

“The problem,” says Clark, “is that you’re a fucking idealist, and I’m a whore.” I’m too tired to get all up in arms again and make it artful because Dick Clark wasn’t about art

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21 Jump Street

Sometimes something is so gleefully stupid that it becomes a revelation of brilliance. I loved the television show 21 Jump Street. I was frightened to death that the movie version was going to defecate

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Goodbye Davy Jones

I wasn’t old enough to experience the Monkees the first time around, but this two clip from the Brady Bunch is forever etched into my memory. Look how concerned Davy is when he hears

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Insanity and High Art

Someone who apparently wasn’t Albert Einstein: Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again but expecting different results. Maybe it’s the fact that I grow more and more into Charlie Brown every

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My I never dug Whitney column

? From Facebook the night that Whitney Died – Brad Laidman: I never want to see somebody die, but personally I can’t stand Whitney Houston’s bombastic Star Spangled Banner or I Will Always Love

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Crazy Beautiful

This probably deserves more attention than I’m willing to give it at the moment. Sadly, lately I’ve become a little bored of me. I think I’m pretty funny and all at times, but really

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Warning: Holocaust Humor Ahead

Grant Taylor: Hitler liked to paint. That doesn’t make it wrong. I’m nowhere near as brilliant as Mel Brooks or Larry David, but I am Jewish and that does seem to allow me the

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