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Radio Ga Ga

Ragging on commercial radio is like flogging a horse that’s been dead for almost a century, but I think I just heard the most asinine radio promo of all time. There’s an oldies station

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Anthony Jeselnik

This is the best young comedian I’ve heard in a long time. His album Shakespeare is fantastic. He’s basically the anti-Mitch Hedberg. Every off beat thought of Hedberg’s was goofy and endearing, Jesenik’s mind

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2001 a dating history

2001 was a weird year for me. I moved there to do bankruptcy arbitrage for a friend of mine. Unfortunately, his main holding was a company that went bankrupt about a week after I

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How ancient I feel

We didn’t have shuffle in my day. When you wanted to shuffle a vinyl LP, you’d have to drop a really heavy book on the floor.

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Apple owns me

I’m pretty sure I have accepted thousands and thousands of pages of Apple documents without reading a single word. Something tells me that soon we will all be Steve Jobs’ slaves. He’ll say, “Look

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Me used to write smart

I just found something I wrote in 1994 about my profession as a trader. I don’t even remember writing it, but can tell that it is mine. Wow, I used to be way smarter

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Monkee Drumming!

I was reading a top ten list of the greatest drummers of all time, and I saw in the comment section someone joke that Mickey Dolenz of the Monkees was the worst drummer ever.

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This Year Sucks So Far

“Good morning, Pooh Bear,” said Eeyore gloomily. “If it is a good morning,” he said. “Which I doubt,” said he. “Why, what’s the matter?” “Nothing, Pooh Bear, nothing. We can’t all, and some of

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Please let this not be true

If you asked me about the two issues I care most about politically, my answer would be censorship and teen pregnancy. I thought MTV’s show “16 and Pregnant” was actually a decent public service

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