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Hurray! We All Own GM

When do I get my Hummer? I was an Economics major and I always thought that one of the main tenents of capitalism was that the failure of money losing companies was a good

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Finally saw Taken

1. The speech from the trailer is still by far the best part of the movie, although seeing that Liam’s daughter now has a mega rich step father who dotes on her, the part

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Save Farrah

I’m convinced that Farrah Fawcett could cure her Cancer by sleeping with me, and I’m willing to help. Please help make this happen. I’m also willing to cure Madonna of whatever issues she has.

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Jacob Hoggard Punked Canadian Idol

Apparently, this happened years ago. Sadly, I’m too busy feeling sorry for myself to pay attention to Canadian Idol. Nevertheless, this guy is my new hero. Jacob Hoggard, singer/daredevil of Vancouver rockers Hedley

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Mike Matusow: Check Raising the Devil

When it comes to televised poker (and I’m a fanatic), I acknowledge one steadfast rule, unless Mike “The Mouth” Matusow is involved it will more than likely be about as entertaining as paint drying.

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Born at exactly the wrong time

Hello. Can I have my adolescence back? Please, no seriously I’m begging. I went to high school and college from 1980-1988. Gee, that  era sounds familiar, hey, isn’t that basically the Ronald Reagan era?

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Literary Event of 2009

Just went to Borders looking for a book on David Bowie, which they didn’t have. They did however have the amazing new  release Dancing to the Music in my Head: Memoirs of the People’s

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