Larry David extols Amos n’ Andy
This is dangerous territory and I can’t even hope to understand it from a Black point of view. I will say that I’ve been a huge Spike Lee fan forever and the minstrel montage
This is dangerous territory and I can’t even hope to understand it from a Black point of view. I will say that I’ve been a huge Spike Lee fan forever and the minstrel montage
I love that show, but as always happens they run out of good material and don’t have the guts to just end with dignity. It’s about two weeks before they do the above album.
I watched A Few Good Men again the other day. Tom Cruise has made a ton of money with huge blockbusters where his only job was to be pretty and he’s likely about as
Back in 1988, I went to see the Last Temptation of Christ at the Biograph Theater in Chicago. There were lots of angry protesters and I was lucky enough to get a “Go directly
After Saturday’s 3-for-4 performance, Ramirez is now hitting .404 with 16 homers, 13 doubles and 49 RBIs in just 47 games since being traded to Los Angeles. In that time he leads the Majors
I’ve talked about this before – I watch award shows – I despise award shows – etc etc but finally the Emmy’s have come up with the ultimate puff category: Outstanding Host For A Reality
That’s Nick Leeson the patron saint of idiot traders, who kept gambling until he bankrupted one of Europe’s oldest banking institutions, basically just to cover his constant and increasing incompetence. He makes the leaders
Curt Shilling just trashed him, but the Manny train continues to keep a rolling. No one understands him, no one deny’s that he is a hitting savant. Here’s an entertaining article called the Genius
As a point of honesty, I had never read a single word written by David Foster Wallace before he killed himself, I just have a thing for talented, successful people with issues. Especially, given that
When the 9-11 anniversary passed, I was going to write something to the effect of get over it, but I was too cowardly, because much like when Gilbert Gottfried got shot down with a
Back during the internet bubble I’d enjoy watching these old men on TV. They were old school economists and they’d be saying stuff like,”This doesn’t make sense. Stocks are supposed to trade for a
You know the formula – Boy meets girl, Boy loses girl, Boy gets girl back. The third act usually only happens in the movies. Holly: I mean, you know why she’s marrying him, don’t