The Enemy of My Enemy is My Friend
In the recent furor over the Iranian President’s bigoted collegiate appearance, I sort of wondered who he hated more, Jews or Homosexuals.
In the recent furor over the Iranian President’s bigoted collegiate appearance, I sort of wondered who he hated more, Jews or Homosexuals.
George Harrison: They used us as an excuse to go mad, the world did, and then blamed it on us When Bob Spitz’ recent book came out I said to myself I can’t read yet another
Chris “Jesus”Ferguson bugs me. I’m sure he’s quite nice, but despite his desperado look he’s as boring as those books they made you read in high school. If I see him throwing more playing
“Women in Iran enjoy the highest levels of freedom.” “In Iran, we don’t have homosexuals, like in your country.” “If the Holocaust is a reality of our time, a history that occurred, why is
Does anyone alive actually read this? I think Al-Qaeda may be passing along messages to each other in it and no one has any idea!
I just added a widget to link to Amazon.com stuff. It’s supposed to fit the products to your site. Well, I wrote a ton of negative stuff about Donald Trump, so a ton of
http://www.capalert.com/capreports/sincity.htm I love to read reviews by anyone and religious zealots especially. These people didn’t like Sin City. It got a perfect score of zero out of 100! But the greatest thing about the
Lloyd Dobler: Hey my brother, can I borrow a copy of your “Hey Soul Classics”? J-Man: No, my brother, you have to go buy your own. I don’t really understand why these record compilations
Let me admit up front that coming after David Cronenberg and Viggo Mortensen’s masterwork, A History of Violence, maybe my expectations were a bit too high, but I have to say that Eastern Promises
C’mon who out there was really dying for another 90210/OC rehash? ME, of course!
I somehow never fail to find little things about the Beatles to amuse me. Here’s a comment that led to George Harrison quitting school. “It is very difficult to give an assessment of this
As a avid watcher of pop culture I try to research and form opinions on all the latest trends, but here’s one that has left me completely flabbergasted. Colin Farrell. Why is this dude a