Dakota Fanning: The Only Exception
Amazing the stuff you can find out about politics in USA Today.
Amazing the stuff you can find out about politics in USA Today.
I always dug Kevin Mitchell, despite the fact that he was a little psycho, maybe because he was a little psycho. He was supposedly a gang banger in bad ass San Diego, but who
Sure, everyone likes a good train wreck, but should people really be this happy?
https://www.trumpuniversity.com/start/wealthcreation/twtw.cfm Donald wants to show you how to get rich like he did. Let me save you some time and money:
You have to applaud a life any time someone does something really well or epically badly.
Wow, now I even feel sorry for her. My friend Anthony worked the MTV music awards and told me he smelled a disaster, that she couldn’t get the steps right, but wow.
Surprise! Neither George Costanza or Barney Fife are on this list.
Wow, I didn’t realize how prevalent all this crap was, and all these guys have abandoned living a good moral life for making cold hard cash. These people are making Jim Baker look Christlike.
I Don’t Wonder What Jesse Camp Is Up To These Days Hey, know who I haven’t been thinking about lately? That guy Jesse Camp who I never used to watch on MTV. I don’t
I was just watching Fletch, when I saw AMC splice out first Chevy Chase then Geena Davis giving the middle finger salute. I’ve seen the same thing pixelated in other places on TV. Is