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Social Media Isn’t for Sharing It’s for Marketing

Those kids seem like they are sharing, but sadly when that Beatles song ends, she is going to say, “You have to listen to some Black Sabbath,” and then he is going to say, “I find early metal dumb and misogynistic. You need to listen to some K.D. Lang.”

Then she is going to say, “This happens every time. Go get me a cookie.” He’ll say, “The last time I got you a cookie, you drank all my milk.”

Almost every single post on twitter seems to be more for marketing than for sharing even though almost every single person making the post wants it to be liked and shared.

People who share too much art are criticized for forcing their opinions on the masses. People who like similar art often are upset because someone shares something that isn’t as clever as it could have been. Mostly, they want you to know that they are clever enough to see the difference.

The world just is. We all give it value every day. When you truly share, you can do so with good intentions, but you must let those you share with do whatever they want with your gift.

Sometimes on social media, I want to do things to tailor the market to my sharing.  Often this requires changing my Twitter or Facebook settings.

Most of the time I have no idea how to do that. A lot of times when I do research to figure out how to do that I find out that it can’t be done.

Then I see ten videos with people who have found workarounds to get it done. They are trying to get paid. Almost always their workarounds do not work They just mess up my computer and cost me money.

I’ve tried to market myself. I’m not a fan of marketing. I’ve been willing to pay for marketing. Words are words, but I’ve been told to get people to read words you have to make them look better or more marketable no matter what they say.

A publishing agent gave me a definition I had never heard before for a word called platform.

I’ve found many people with free marketing tips, but no good advice. I’ve also found people with great marketing advice who are too busy to let you pay for their services but are sometimes willing to give harsh, but true advice.

Usually, the true price of the service is very close to its usefulness. Although, I’ve found that some free help can be worse and more counterproductive than no help at all.

I have to be cynical, I want to be romantic, but I’ve gotten to the point where I find myself asking the purpose of every single social media post.

Is it there to add meaning? Is it there to help? Is it there to market its sender? Is it there to make its sender look clever?

Is someone outraged by a clear social problem posting to ensure a better future outcome or to be tallied on the list of people clever enough to be right?

You have to try to be the change you want in every personal interaction.

Sometimes, I think I should turn my internet off and escape to the forest and live alone or find just a few decent people to share with sort of like on Gilligan’s Island.  They had it made there, but they always wanted to get off the island. Gilligan had to be stupid and keep them there.

I think the number one problem with the world is no real sharing. Lots of people say the problem with sharing is those who do not want to share.

My little league kids would tell me after games that they didn’t want to shake hands with the other team because the other team was going to spit in their hand first.

I said I know that they are going to spit in their hand first.

You should still shake their hand anyway.

You are most sharing when you most know that you are getting nothing back.

Please share.