Site icon Brad Laidman: Elvis Needs Boats


I’m not really worried for Sarah Silverman. Sarah Silverman has thrown herself on the front lines. Sarah Silverman has thought things out and seems to know exactly what she is doing. Sarah Silverman knows history, indeed her history, and has learned from it. Sarah Silverman will be fine. It’s everyone else I am worried about.

The final message remains “Sarah Silverman is clearly part of the solution not the problem. Until you admit that do not send me anymore Q!”

Some jokes are just merely jokes. Some jokes can be used as weapons and you should know who they are pointed at and whether the right people are being targeted.

Words are pliable. It tough to know how to interpret them and know how they are being used.

George Carlin told a ton of jokes about 90% of them were about words and language.

There are plenty of people pulling out microscopes right now to fight problems. Often, I think our true problem is not seeing the forest for the trees.

I went to Paris with a friend and we met two girls at the Louvre and we took them to dinner. One was Indian. One was from Eastern Europe. I’m a very picky eater, but they did get me to try escargot.

After dinner we were walking through Paris late at night. My friend likes to say racist things for shock value.

Most of them are jokes, few are clever, mostly it is for his own amusement.

In “Man on the Moon,” Andy Kauffman and Bob Zmuda are accused by Kauffman’s manager, George Shapiro, of staging elaborate pranks that are really only funny to two people in the entire world, Kauffman and Zmuda. Giamatti, as Zmuda, responds “Yeah, sure, George. And we happen to think that it’s hilarious.”

Shapiro asks them whether they are being productive. They don’t seem to have considered it or cared.

So as we were walking my friend, who may or may not be racist; did his thing; and I did mine.

My response was a sarcastic “Racist much?”

This led to a later extremely absurd argument between my friend and me in which he said, “You made me look like a racist” and I responded that I indeed had said what I said because he had made me look like I was enabling a racist by being with him.

Sarah Silverman has been there in the past and I have written about it. “Does Anyone Really Want to Lynch Tiger Woods?”

Sarah Silverman got in trouble for telling this joke on the Conan O’Brien show.

“I was telling a friend that I had to serve jury duty and I wanted to get out of it. So my friend said ‘When they hand out the questionnaire, write something horribly offensive like “I hate chinks” then there’s no way they will choose you. But I couldn’t bring myself to do it, to say something so hateful, so I wrote — I love chinks.”

Asian groups went nuts and Conan O’Brien, although not Silverman, apologized for the incident. This type of thing drives me crazy. Silverman was satirizing and showing distaste for racism, but people were either too dim or unwilling to understand that. I lost a lot of respect for Conan, because he sold Silverman out by apologizing, and he definitely knew better, but then again GE has a lot of microwaves to sell.”

The adage I always try to live by is only be offended when someone is trying to offend you.

After my friend’s attempt to shock, for whatever his reasons were, the Eastern European girl admitted to me that she knew only one racist joke and did I want to hear it? I have no idea if I should have wanted to hear it, but I was fascinated and it’s hard to offend me so I said sure.

She then told me one of the worst Holocaust jokes I had ever heard and it involved Volkswagen ash trays.

Many people in my shoes might have lectured her. I could have been offended. I just thought it was more than a bit insane and very absurd that she had just told that joke to one of the most obviously apparent men of Jewish heritage in the world.

It’s not jokes that we should be worried about it is ignorance.

She didn’t know that I was Jewish; she probably had never consciously met a Jewish person in her life. I am less than a strident Jew. Many people who are not Jewish have told me that I am somehow a bad Jew for believing and saying the things I do about Israel. I’ve never really tried to be a good Jew or not, I’ve mostly just tried to be a good person.

I definitely do know a lot about pop culture and comedy, and I’ve thought a lot about what that is, and how it should or should not be used. I know a ton of history much of it has been has been filtered through my own lens. I’ve always decided to deal with history through the lens of my favorite book “The Autobiography of Malcolm X,” which message is not really about race, but instead about education and ignorance, and it’s message has always been read another book. Read them all!

A while ago, I hooked up with a friend who I used to work alongside. Actually, I worked under him. He always called me “fuck stick.” That’s what you dealt with if you were in the trading industry as a man in 1988. There were few women in that industry and what they went through if they were was complicated.

“Anita Hill, The Pacific Stock Exchange and Me”.

Now he proudly had a Southern accent. He was very intelligent. He often played dumb for strategic reasons, but was always angry at other less intelligent people’s perception of his faculties. He graduated from Brown University. He mostly only cared about bass fishing. He had a good heart. I still think he does.

He is still into bass fishing, but he has found himself a cause, which he seems to fight nobly pretty much constantly. He is a true crusader.

He told me all of the conspiracy theories he believed in. He not only believed in them, he wholehearted thought they were true. He knew John F Kennedy Jr. at Brown and told me that without a doubt John’s plane going down was no accident.

He asked me if I thought he was insane (I sort of did), but I honestly told him that I knew so many insane historical stories that were true (COINTELPRO, Fred Hampton, J. Edgar Hoover, the CIA) that I was in no position to judge.

At the heart of all he believes (with the best intentions) is that nearly everyone alive with power is part of a vast conspiracy to sexually abuse and/or traffic children. I can’t really glean his enemies long term goals. Do they want more power, more money, or are they indeed so sick that they just enjoy pedophilia and want more of it to happen? No idea.

So his heart is in the right place I suppose, and the crime he is perhaps fighting is a good one. I can’t think of a single worse crime than molesting any child. It 100% changes their lives forever and worst case often leads them to commit similar violations. It is the sad “gift” that keeps on giving.

Barry Crimmins was molested and he turned to comedy to fight against it, and did it angrily. His effectiveness varied, he was never really going to be as huge as George Shapiro wanted Andy Kauffman to quit goofing around and start trying to become. Crimmins did however become more strategic as he got older.

So yes that crime is the worst crime. The nature of how pervasive it is remains debatable. Because it is such a horrific crime, it is possible to to smear almost any other political discourse by accusing someone of supporting it in even the tiniest way, which is perhaps their intent.

I used to debate in high school. One side could prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that their plan would save 1,000 lives. The other side would say you will save those lives, but your plan has a .0000001% chance of ending all human existence as we know it, and if you do the math that is worse. That argument often worked and most debates, staged, real, with rules or not, are often quite absurd and non-productive.

So showing sympathy for my friend I asked him if he had seen the Netflix documentary “The Keepers,” which was about a somewhat vast child molestation plot (the acts were committed by few, but were over looked and covered up by many, which is the problem and perhaps what he is or should be fighting against). I had seen it, and it did indeed make me physically ill

I asked him if he had seen the documentary, and his response was that he was too busy fighting pederasty in the name of “YHVH” to follow my “pop culture bull shit” (He wasn’t born Jewish, this is essentially who he believes in. I’m not sure what he calls his faith and it doesn’t really matter, it’s his own and that’s fine.). I can question his sanity, but I can’t question his intent or faith, it somehow comes from a good place.

His leader is someone who goes by the “name” Q and traffics what he traffics on someplace called 4chan. I know little about either.

He’d send me tons of progress on Q’s activities I’d look at very few.

Then he sent me this.

The tweet does not exist for me to embed but you can see it there, and it discusses a Roseanne roast and Jeff Ross, and all of Q’s favorite things.

This did catch my interest though due to all my “pop culture bullshit,” which he admits proudly to know nothing about.

I do indeed know about comedy and pop culture, and though there are certainly a lot of “sinners” and sins that exist there and everywhere, I told him what I knew about fighting pederasty with comedy.

“I can go into detail further per that roast specifically, can’t tell what date that tweet is from, but I did see a Twitter thread where MAGA people were attacking Michael Ian Black who is pretty smart and not really very offensive, and from that it is seemingly apparent that it is OK to vote for a pedophile for Senate but not OK to make a joke about pedophilia, which if they were smart enough to understand would realize was a joke against pedophilia.”

I then went into a long detail of who I thought were fighting pederasty well and who were not. It listed Doug Stanhope, Andy Andrist (who had been molested and this is how he dealt with it), I talked about Ross and his prison shows, it never occurred to me to mention Sarah Silverman.

At all times, I stressed understanding context and the person telling the joke’s entire life and career, and especially not judging a perhaps 60 minute performance that was well honed before it was issued from one sentence of it.

“The one thing that most made Lenny Bruce crazy was that when he was put on trial for things he said in clubs, he begged to perform that material himself with his actual delivery. He was not allowed to – instead he had to watch it with a jury, and they saw a cop recite it (inaccurately with no delivery) from bad notes that cop had taken during the show.”

“Comedy is very complex and it is not a time for complexity and nuance with people who voted for Trump. Some people are too stupid to understand good comedy, and it especially can not be understood by tenth hand accounts from people who never saw the actual material.”

I told him that if he did want to fight pederasty that this was the best effort I had seen made to do that, and it indeed was funny, highly vulgar, offensive, and profane. It was also blasphemous. It was however in the end true, anti-pedophile, and not even anti-religion. It was this:

Pay for it if you want, if you have Hulu watch it if you want, you can probably find it easily for free, but if you do want to fight pederasty watch it.

I did warn him that if he saw this entire Stanhope show, which I think is his best (there are many excellent ones) that he would be offended and disgusted many times if he only watched fragments. He would probably be offended if he watched the entire thing. It discussed all the issues he wanted discussed (including child molestation), and though from 2007, it has proven to be in every way accurate and prophetic.

Stanhope does discuss and nail immigration perfectly. He even predicted Donald Trump’s desired immigrant location a decade before Trump picked it.

“You don’t hear fucking brain surgeon sitting around the Beverly Hills hotel lounge, “You know what really chaps my ass Barry, Scandinavian fellas are coming over taking all our good neurosurgery positions. The Norwegians specifically.”

This is how “fake news” outlet NBC reported what followed on January 11th, 2018.

In fact, I sent him part of it where Stanhope joked about being taken out of context by a reporter who had in fact quoted him 100% accurately as saying during a show, “I hate the Jews.”

Again context and nuance, which does not exist right now. Right now is about 240 or so characters and 10 second sound bites, which is our entire problem.

His response (heartfelt and with good intentions) was as follows.

“Dude not to piss you off but I tolerate no apologetics for Pederasty. Again not to piss you off but Judaism is apologetic towards Pederasty as notated in Sanhedrin 55. Mason’s utilize Pederasty at the upper levels beyond 33 as well. Comedy revolving around Pederasty is a Masonic inversion technique to soften the population to accept it. We know the Vatican participates in Pederasty yet they deny. Torah does not accept Pederasty. Yeshua did not accept Pederasty. Pederasty was a form of Idol worship that YHVH instructed his chosen people to not follow the way of the heathen. I am just a simple guy trying to find Peace in his Word.

Therefore all internet of things devices, phones, desktops iPad etc….. that have been verified to have transmitted egregious Pedo activity serve as the basis of evidence for a gotcha roundup. Being a Redneck I say kill them all and let YHVH sort them out.

Pederasty serves as the cement of elected and appointed Govt officials around the world to do the Evil ones bidding. Blackmail serves as the resident elephant in the room of corruption politics. Hang them high and let the birds peck their eyes out :)))) If Trump has participated in such activity hang him as well.

Even a Atheist can realize that Pederasty is crimes against Humanity. When I was YOUNGER I also made jokes about such activity. But as I have grown older and wiser I have asked for forgiveness. Speaking to victims of this abhorrent activity has solidified my resolve against Pederasty.”

There is a lot there true and untrue. What definitely is there and it was capitalized by him, is that he had in the past made jokes he regretted and did not want to be judged for it, in fact he wanted to be forgiven and make up for it.

At all times I encouraged him to be honest and loving. I told him to learn what he could from me and my “pop culture bull shit,” and I would do the same with his knowledge and that we should learn and evolve together. He sort of accepted that premise.

Days went by and he sent me this pretty much the second it hit the internet on July 22nd, six days ago.

“#HollywoodRenegades – How Hollywood Insiders Are Taking Down #TheCabal from the Inside-Out. #Hollyweird #GreatAwakening”

It crudely targets Sarah Silverman as Q’s #1 enemy.

What was accurate there I don’t know, but as to her saying “you think this is some sort of game?” said or not, my other friend and I had this exchange.

“This is not a game”

“It is a game and I’m winning it”

To my Q follower I said, “If everything there was true, it is merely all resisting Donald Trump and is in no way boosting pedophiles.”

This part likely upset him the most.

“I hope the Jews did kill Christ. I’d do it again. I’d f*cking do it again, I don’t care.” – Sarah Silverman

I said that is from my memory 100% accurate. I saw the entire performance did you? He said no and that he had little desire to. I responded:

“Sigh we were both better off before there was an internet and we both had just read a lot of books that were edited and checked for accuracy.

Again you don’t seem to understand the difference between vicious satire and just viciousness.

As to Sarah Silverman that photo is probably real but you and I both know that anything can be photo-shopped (he later admitted it had been).

Every tweet she has ever tweeted is there for you to look at if you want, unlike Roseanne’s ,who again I have no ill will towards.

This about her tweet history though is 100% true.”

I sent him this:

“Sarah Silverman responded to a troll with kindness and it was beautiful.”

It is all still on Twitter and under her real name.

It starts with a one word tweet, which was a word that somehow now remains pretty much the most vile word used to attack women, but somehow out of madness the word “feckless” now means the same thing. George Carlin’s head would be spinning, but he would not be surprised.

After that one word tweet, Silverman instead of firing back, looked at his Twitter profile, and responded back with love and good intentions. The man who had sent that tweet had indeed been molested and was angry.

Through her actions Silverman converted him into a fan; got him into therapy; paid for his large medical bills; helped get his bad back treated; and set him on his way to helping other people too.

Since my friend did have the accent he had and wore it proudly I also sent him this.

So in that clip there is some gentle mocking that perhaps liberal dicks would laugh at in the wrong way. They seem to hate welfare and Obamacare but are on it and don’t realize it, but they all in the end do come off as decent people.

So that pretty much hits all your biggest concerns pedophilia and the part of the country where you got your accent and in every way she acted not only decently and compassionately but heroically and lovingly.

I do not think you are insane and I do love you.”

So just two days ago, I texted him that in fact Q’s target info had “hit the home of fake news” and I asked him “Good or bad?”

“Sarah Silverman latest in Hollywood to have past social media commentary resurface.”

CNN and others had pulled out their microscopes and found old jokes to fit a certain narrative.

Remember, my friend had admitted to telling jokes in the past he regretted and wanted forgiveness for, and in turn had pledged to honestly become a better person by doing that.

My friend does not tell jokes for a living. Sarah Silverman does. I don’t know whether she regrets those jokes that she posted, but she did leave them up for all to see under her real name, I don’t much care.

He responded back, “I honestly do not know but given some of her historical posts and desires to kill Yeshua in one standup vid I had seen I figure she is enmeshed in a agenda that I do not support.”

Now we had already established that he had seen very little “standup vid” and none in full or in context.

But I had already told him,

With all love and respect you are spreading disinformation and are part of the problem.”

I had told him that before it hit CNN and also told him this.

“I could give a fuck about anyone else in Hollywood. There are plenty of greedy, evil, molesting fucks out there that exist because they make popular movies and TV shows, but Sarah Silverman is clearly part of the solution not the problem. Until you admit that do not send me anymore Q!”

Peace Brad”

And that is and will always be my stand.