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You All Are Too Stupid to Watch Dave Chappelle

I have a moron friend, who tried to hook me up with an inane alt-right comic. This guy gave 5k to a Nazi newspaper as a hoax. I asked what the point was. He said it was a hoax, as if that meant it was funny. What was the joke I asked? He had no good answer.

He then told me that South Park was constantly calling Hillary Clinton a “shit sandwich” and that it showed the creator’s view of her. I finally had to say. “You are too stupid to watch South Park.”

The same is going on with Dave Chappelle’s new Netflix special “The Bird Revelation” in which for maybe 30 seconds he seems to be defending Louis CK. He’s not. The Huffington Post, The Ringer, The New York Times, and The Vulture are sites that are already on his ass. They are all too stupid to watch Dave Chappelle, who is a good guy.

The trans community was upset with Chappelle too and in his first Netflix special that was just released he explained and quashed that too. He’s a comedian and a bright one. Sometimes audiences are morons.

Chappelle walked away from $50 Million because he felt that his work was being laughed at for the wrong reasons. People called him crazy and he in turn said that Hollywood was a crazy horrible environment, which apparently no one listened to until Harvey Weinstein.

Chappelle specifically said he didn’t want to be a martyr that he’d rather be rich.

The Bird Revelation is only about 30 minutes and it is subdued and in front of a small crowd. No hysterics like in Killing Me Softly. If you want to say that his comments on Bill Clinton, Monica Lewinsky, and women haven’t aged well from that special I will listen, but don’t agree.

Chappelle merely said that if you were a woman whose dream it was to be a stand up that you needed more backbone than to be deterred by Louis CK’s bad behavior. He referenced how the FBI tried to end Martin Luther King’s dream by blackmailing him into potential suicide over his infidelities.

He ends with a story about the pimp Iceberg Slim playing a trick on his best prostitute, not to laud Slim, but to expose how the capitalist system works, and how it must be fought.

It’s too damn easy to take a few words out of contexts as well as complete jokes, but if there is anything all of his Netflix specials have shown it is that they must be interpreted as a whole. A joke from 20 minutes earlier is explained at the end. Especially, his jokes about Bill Cosby and a superhero that needs to rape to be a superhero.

It’s complex stuff and most people would rather just watch once and condemn. Chappelle is a thinking, funny good guy. Listen to him, don’t just jump to leave him on the #MeToo junk pile. Have some common sense, have a sense of humor and use your brain.

Both sides have free speech on their side. Only Chappelle has really thought these things out. Shame on you click baiters.

As Sinead O’Connor ruined her career to say.