Site icon Brad Laidman: Elvis Needs Boats

Superhero inflation


I’m actually really looking forward to Iron Man 2, but it’s already falling prey to burning itself out.

In the beginning Superman could just fight robbers and stuff. Then people got bored with that and he had to fight super villains. Then that got old so he had to fight all the super villains at the same time.

In the first movie, there were two men with Iron Man suits. Now it appears that in the sequel there will be about 100. The only thing left for the third movie is to let everyone on earth have their own Iron Man suit and have a battle royale (actually I’d watch that).

The reason Marvel was better than DC was because it’s hero had problems and it dealt with the repercussions of having powers. The movies seem to ignore that, which is why they had to reboot Spider-man after only three movies. There are endless plots from millions of comic books, yet every time they make a movie they try to use them all in one go round – see Daredevil especially.