Site icon Brad Laidman: Elvis Needs Boats

The ever classy New York Post

They ran the punriffic headline “Ike ‘Beats’ Tina to Death” the other day. Letting us all know that Ike Turner both died first and used to beat Tina. I’m sort of amused, but karmically I think I’ve doomed myself to hell. It sort of makes you wonder what a headline writer would need to come up with that the Post would actually consider to be in bad taste.

Then again when Johnny Ramone died the Onion ran the headline “Ramones three quarters of the way to reunion” and I thought it was hilarious. So as long as everyone realizes that the Post is less credible than the Onion. I suppose I don’t have much of a problem with it.

No one will say it, but tons of Rock stars have beaten their wives. There’s no excuse for it, but Ike turned out to be the unluckiest one due to the fact that his wife was the bigger star, her life was deemed movie worthy, and Lawrence Fischburne is a really good actor. I’m guessing that if Mike Myers ever actually makes his planned bio of Keith Moon the wife beating in the Moon family will be politefully ignored.