Site icon Brad Laidman: Elvis Needs Boats

The mullet only I emulated

I don’t remember ever hearing the term at the time, but I guess that’s what the hairstyle’s been doomed by time to be forever called. I’m guessing no other American in 1984 was trying to look like Dave Fenton of the Vapors, but I loved the album New Clear Days and the whole look. I maybe had this hairstyle for the first quarter of my Freshman year in college and then cut it off and never had the patience to grow my hair remotely long again. Growing your hair long took maybe six months to a year to do, and it was pretty certain that on one of those days I was going to wake up, hate the way I looked and head for the barber with a photo of James Dean. Of course, my idea of combing my hair back then was to take a shower, put a handful of Dep on my wet tresses, and run my hand through it about three times. Damn, I miss my hair.