I accidentally and jokingly caused a silly “riff” between John Bonham fans and Keith Moon fans. Why choose? You got them both for too few years and they served you well. They were a gift. Then again no one was as effectively and seriously silly as Keith Moon was ever.
I believe I know the history of these bands better than 99% of the world so here is my analysis.
It depends on Who you feel like listening to at the time but I think it is a function of the bands and their histories as to which is better.
The Who legacy clearly stands tall over Zeppelin. You may prefer listening to Zeppelin which is fine. They sound great both on record and live, but Zeppelin and its part have many clear legacy flaws.
Band Members:
Lead Singer:
Plant had more versatility than Daltrey but his voice is now shot. At one time Plant was untouchable and could sing anything. At one time Plant was a “Golden God” as he called himself, he isn’t now.
Roger Daltrey started out very limited but with a fine mettle and determination. No singer ever has been as disciplined or worked harder. He sings properly and evolved into a amazing front man who between Tommy and Who’s Next could sing anything, was extremely charismatic, and stunningly beautiful.
He is now 74. Still beautiful for any age. Still can sing amazingly for any age. He has lived a pretty unselfish life in the long run. He criticized Moon early and would fight physically to get what he wanted, but now is Moon’s biggest defender, he is non-violent, he does charity work that is efficient, he stuck up for Pete Townshend when it was needed the most. Just an incredible person on every level.
The Who died with Keith Moon, but Daltrey resurrected them as a live act by picking Moon’s chosen successor Zak Starkey.
Winner: Daltrey by a landslide.
Main Songwriter:
Jimmy Page doesn’t really write songs, he steals them and adds to them well. Robert Plant’s lyrics are amusing but facile.
Pete Townshend is one of the greatest composers of all time.
I could write 10,000 pages on this in my sleep, but it does not merit the time.
Here is another expert opinion by Jon Brion
Lead Guitarist:
Skill wise Jimmy Page towers over Townshend, but Townshend never tried to play lead guitar traditionally. He from the start played rhythm as lead and grew infinitely better over time. Page at 20 was basically as good as Page at 50 and now. Townshend was amazing at 20 infinitely better at 30. He peaked and stopped evolving around 1985 or so, but he again towers over Page in impact and catalog both live and on record.
Winner: Townshend in a landslide.
Bass Player:
Clearly almost no hard rock bass player can come close to John Entwistle. He changed the course of the instrument musically, and structurally, he even changed the way the strings were made!
John Paul Jones is an amazing talent. He can arrange brilliantly, , but he wasn’t used as much as he could have been by Zeppelin. After Bonham died they reunited for a few shows and decided that Page + Plant – Jones = More money for Page + Plant.
Winner: Landslide Entwistle
You can argue that no one looked cooler than James Dean and he basically wore a white undershirt and blue jeans all the time. Zeppelin had the same philosophy, but it is Dean’s triumph not theirs.
The Who innovated fashion. Constantly dressed all over the map, had enormous impact, and never look dated. Not worth discussing.
Winner: Landslide The Who.
Great live shows by both. Not worth discussing.
Townshend, Daltrey, and especially Moon are the most visually entertaining rockers to watch ever. Both Entwistle and Jones just stood there, but watching Entwistles fingers fly was priceless.
Winner: Landslide The Who.
Kit Lambert and Chris Stamp were incompetent, but idealistic, and Lambert especially made Townshend flower. Money wise Peter Grant was excellent but a thug. It’s about art not money though.
Winner: Landslide Lambert and Stamp
History and Impact:
Townshend had a solo album called “Who Came First” and face it The Who came first. Page and Jones were in the studio, while The Who were kicking ass. Plant and John Bonham were kids.
Page wanted Entwistle and Moon to be in Led Zeppelin. Entwistle or Moon may have named Led Zeppelin. Moon and Entwistle were also wanted by Jeff Beck and basically anyone with a brain.
Mod, Punk, Metal, Pop, Pop Art, Rock Opera, Kicking Ass at all times:
Led Zeppelin was Led Zeppelin and that is a lot, but The Who are everything.
Winner: Landslide The Who
Solo Work:
Jones and Page were significant pre-creation. Plant has done some post. The rest is negligible.
Entwistle, Townshend, and Daltrey solo are worth a box set.
Moon was never solo – he was the ultimate teammate
Winner: Landslide The Who
Bonham was tops.
Moon wasn’t just a drummer he was a life force and perhaps the most naturally gifted and original musician ever. He was also a hilarious riot. He was The Who, musically, spiritually, philosophically, and …
I’ve already spent more words on it than it merits, but anything for Keith.
Towering landslide Moon. I wish I had video of every second of his life. I curse God that I never saw him live.
If I am wrong I will adapt and evolve, but I seriously doubt either will be necessary.
Grammar and Syntax: I purposely called them The Who and not the Who. Anyone Who doesn’t understand why should F-F-F-Fade Away!
Filmed exactly as it should have been almost all Moon all the time!
Thanks for you comment I can’t list them because I love them all
Love your article and The Who – here are my Top 200 Songs of The Who http://supergroup.netfirms.com/index5.htm