Site icon Brad Laidman: Elvis Needs Boats

The worst thing I’ve ever laughed at


(I’ve already lied because frankly I’ve laughed really hard at this horrible joke about Hitler and clowns that I found on the Internet, but it’s way too offensive to cop to here. Anyone who wants to hear it can email me. I am Jewish. I should be really offended. So if there’s a possibility that you will be offended, please don’t email me, because this joke isn’t pushing the edge – it is the edge.)

Anyway, this is the most offensive thing that I’ll admit to laughing at in print.

It’s a joke about Calvin Murphy.

Calvin was once known for his great free throw shooting and his one man effort to make twirling a baton look manly.

After it came out that Calvin had fathered 14 children, someone emailed Jim Rome

“Calvin! It’s a vagina not a clown car!”

That has to be recycled from somewhere. It’s offensive as hell. I wish I had thought of it first!