Site icon Brad Laidman: Elvis Needs Boats

I fear for today’s youth


But what’s different about the latest push to stop public cussing is that it was proposed by a 14-year-old boy.

“My mom and dad always taught me good morals, good values, and not cussing was one of them,” said McKay Hatch, the founder of South Pasadena High School’s No Cussing Club, during a recent break between study hall and tennis practice.

“I’ve cussed before, I’m not gonna lie to you,” Hatch quickly added. “But I try not to cuss any more.”

He was in junior high school when he became fed up with all the blue language around him.

He understood why his friends use foul language: “They just want to fit in like everybody else and they don’t know how. They figure if they cuss maybe it’s an easy way to do that.”

But it wasn’t for him.

“I finally told my friends, `I don’t cuss.’ And I said, `If you want to hang out with me, you don’t cuss.”‘

Cool. I’d never hang out with him though.