Site icon Brad Laidman: Elvis Needs Boats

Lance dates Ashley


Note the restraint on my part, because every other pop culture sight would have posted a picture of Ashley from when she was 2 on Full House. Personally, I just don’t buy the whole Lance Armstrong as Jesus thing. I think he roided and his record with women seems very suspect, but in this case oddly the 21 year old has more money than the 36 year old.

A side note on Full House: This isn’t of much value other than I found it to be one of the funniest things I’ve ever seen on television. Dave Coulier of Full House meets Jordan Knight of The New Kids on the Block on VH1’s Surreal Life (What part of this sentence doesn’t make Bill Hicks happy that he’s passed on?).

Dave: Hi, Dave Coulier from Full House.

Jordan: Wow, those Olsen twins are hot. I’d love to hot tub with them.

Now admittedly Dave knew them both when they were babies, but did he really need to get so steamed? Wasn’t this the guy getting blow jobs in movie theaters from a semi-legal Alanis Morissette?