RIP John McCain You May Have Finally Succeeded by Dying by Design
It’s still the same old story A fight for love and glory A case of do or die The world will always welcome lovers There are things about John McCain’s life that people will
It’s still the same old story A fight for love and glory A case of do or die The world will always welcome lovers There are things about John McCain’s life that people will
If you look please comment. If you say it sucks, I will not edit or delete it. Use a fake name or a fake email if you like. If you use real ones, I
Love thy neighbor. Share. Learn. Understand each other. If you have enough, there is little reason to have to have more. Be skeptical, but not cynical. I could have titled this “Be Like Mr.
I was driving to the barber. I’m bald and yes, I’m so lazy I go to a barber. It is sadly the only real social interaction I get. Pulling in, I got a phone
Art has always had a commerce problem. Even the purest artists want to share their art. The purer and better their art the more they honestly want to see it shared. Even the purest
You know what’s more productive than what is going on right now. Let’s talk about the movie Back to School for a while and why people who like it may not like it for
I think this is the second video Fiona Apple sent to Sinead O’Connor. The first one just offered her support after seeing her soul crushing video where Sinead O’Connor broke down about her life.
You think that I am joking, but I am not. I’m 100% serious. “Gilligan’s Island” is a very stupid show, and its star is supposedly very stupid, but you can learn from stupidity. It’s
Here is something I learned very early in life, and I learned it while I was winning prestigious debate tournaments where I won them by in no way attempting to be correct on anything.
I think loyalty is a wonderful thing, but blind loyalty? Blind loyalty is both a very stupid and dangerous thing. This television character has his flaws, but this is very true about him and
This will be very short. None of it is a joke. I am deadly serious about it. 99% of it is tragic. 1% of it is inspirational and amazing. Just know that for an
The essential thing to read about this is not this, but probably the liner notes written for its re-release by Marvin Gaye’s biographer David Ritz in 1994, and the biography Ritz later wrote because